Leading Coach Amanda Jenkins awarded her Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching!
Amanda Jenkins, a leading coach with Gordon Cooper Associates, has successfully graduated from the Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching, run by the AoEC (Academy of Executive Coaching) in London. Amanda was awarded a coveted Distinction for her coaching model.
The demanding course took 15 months of study, and involved a number of residential modules, plus a theoretical submission, assessment day and learning essay.
With a strong element of psychological mindedness, there are a number of core principles that lie at the heart of her model: coaching supports individuals to grow and change; people deserve a ‘space to be’ to reflect and sit with ‘what is’ and coaching empowers by giving ‘choices’.
By co-creating a learning space to think and be challenged, working creatively with the ‘whole’ client (thoughts, feelings & behaviours) to gain a better understanding of self, awareness of inner responses and clarity around situation, coaching enables them to tap into their strengths, make choices based on truths and creates the energy for change & authentic leadership.
Alongside the holistic approach to the individual, Amanda takes a systemic perspective to ensure consideration of the context in which they operate.